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Chat Messages

All about Twitch Chat messages.

Message Length & Supported Characters

You can send a chat message of up to 500 characters. You can use various character sets and languages, but some symbols and special characters are not shown correctly.


Many channels use various types of "commands" on Twitch to allow viewers to obtain links, lookup information, play games or many more. There are two types of commands generally on Twitch.

Slash Commands

The slash / commands are mostly reserved for creators, but some (e.g. /mods) are usable by viewers too. You can see the full list of commands here.

Symbol Commands

Some channels have additional accounts (i.e. bots) watching their chat if someone types specific words with characters in front. Typically the ! or ? characters are used, for example !commands will return a message with a link or list of available commands.

Reply Mode

Twitch has a small feature for repling or threading chat. You can click on the thread icon on the right-hand side of the message or use the keyboard shortcut ALT (Windows) / OPTION (Mac) + ENTER when the appropriate username is highlighted.

Tagging & Highlighting Usernames

Using @username in the chat will automatically highlight the username for that particular user. The @ symbol is optional as usernames are also highlighted without them.

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